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CapitolOne process continuing after three coupons


I have done three coupons, one per month as "bill" arrives, paying amount of new purchases for the month, not paying off the account.  Included cover letter, not closing account.  Sent to special payments address per their statement and the course.  Nothing has been credited to the account.  Cards were shut off, account closed.  I called then, and only once.  Lady said payments were not returned to me, but not credited, and it was handed over to Fraud Department as "First Party Fraud".  Each successive month I have additionally sent a corrected statement to the Salt Lake City address for "Errors in Billing", circling the amounts they erroneously charged (interest) and credits not applied, asking it to be corrected, along with notarized copy of Coupons, an accounting sheet, and Proof of Service.  Early this month (November) I sent the third Coupon paying the last of the amount due after they closed the cards and accounting for the 2 previous coupon payments.  I am studying 1099 A course, and soon to start the CA course.  Suggestions and thoughts appreciated.


Did you take the entire coupon course on this site? It states to add the UCC codes on the coupon / letter and send to the CEO of the company? You look up the headquarters of each company and who the CEO is and send it certified so he signs the green card- your arguing with a grunt who works there and knows nothing about all CAPS name “ strawman “ etc WOW!

Gary Helton

Diana, and you know this works, How? With all of us doing this you would think the CEO's would retrain their payment departments to process our payments with out threat of conditional acceptance letters. There should be success after success this far along in the coupon fights.


Diana, yes I took the entire course, and 1099A, and Conditional Acceptance. He says not to put the ucc codes on the Coupon, but like the singular success posted in the class, I did put them on. He also said to "read the contract and send to special payments address if one exists." Which is what I did, and I addressed both envelope and letter to the CEO. I could still try one to the CEO though I must agree with Voice for Jesus Ministry that if this worked there would be an abundance of successes, yet scouring the telegram channel there is instead an abundance of failures. I am still exhausting the "please correct your errors on the statements" process, buying time to further study the several lengthy steps beyond the coupon itself, my last correction going out today, which I am sending with a Notice Of Intent-Fee Schedule for wasting my time. If you read my post below, about the phone call I had with a "Senior Account Manager", they are training them about this process and it is "Stonewall". I am putting liens on my property so they can only get later in line, something I think should have been mentioned in the course if they don't honor the coupons. This is a deceptively deep rabbit hole. Thanks for your input.


Latest activity is I received an unsigned letter from the Dept. that one contacts to dispute a statement. It claimed the same stone wall - account closed, payments not shown, they say I still owe the full amount plus interest. I did the 72 hour rescission.., mailing today. I used a template from State of Wyoming Secretary of State when they refused my Affidavit of Repudiation. It states basically, "returned, rejected for following reasons:" Bullet pointed the several reasons: Payments made, Proof of service previously provided, Account zero, fraud, Malfeasance of Office, No signature on letter thus VOID. Etc. They have reported the account to Credit Reporting agencies as in "payment status" "last payment made October", "up to date". I think that was due to tying it up in their review process. Will have to keep after them.

Bryan Pelaez

Hey, fam hope you all are doing well! Look forward to becoming A Secured Party Creditor that's in my opinion what you should be focused on. If you understand what that means then it will hit you like a ton of bricks would feel falling from a foot above your head—a flash real-time reality check. Follow me on this one okay for a minute. If you I'm not saying you in particular but if you are not a secured party creditor then you are gambling in hopes of a win. If you walk through the fire and file your UCC 1 and all other documents, Capture your strawman and Own it, Copywrite it makes it known to all official persons including the White House, if you are on parole or probation them too courts anyone that you have done some kind business with even the prisoner business and in the most business ethical gentleman like fashion say it loud and proud the stand you are taking of higher knowledge you believe to be the truth and rescind your SSN, Stamp your
Vital Record, Decease your strawman estate and become the Trustee of Your Estate and most important;y I cannot stress the magnitude of both the benefit and the consequences that will arise when you are put to the test. Maxim Laws and our guidelines. We don't argue, Arguments are for fools and we are not. Become secure and your pen becomes the sword. Your Affidavit is your bond and the most lethal of all weapons you will acquire THE COMMERCIAL LIEN align your heart mind and soul when you decide to unleash purgatory on person/persons on corporate level, if you don't know I won't speculate but know this anyone and I mean anyone is not Lien proof and with that you even the playing field, Understand that power and the next you discharge debt you will stamp that instrument with sheer confidence and primitive in your approach. You have options Conditional yes but address the CFO with the voucher/coupon/remittance and personally if this isn the first attempt be generous you want this appointed trustee to take time from his timeline to accommodate you the accommodate the human throw some extra credit so he can take his wife out on a hot one. You don't like that option okay forget all that and take their coupon send them the copy Accepted for Value Payable to the treasury dept charge the company that sent you the coupon and deliver to the IRS and get that credit on every coupon you received all year loLook up voucher in Blacks Law Dictionary and Coupon In addition to that open up your US Code Title 15 Chapter 41 Consumer Credit Protection 1637(b) and when you get there look up sales voucher and if you are really picking up what I'm laying down then follow the path that ride will take you on. Godspeed

6 Answers
Kimberly CRUZ
Best Answer

They are going to give us the run around.  They will push and push.  I have another trick too in order to record the call on your end - legibly! 

Bryan Pelaez
Best Answer


Best Answer

Sending it to the address ON THE COUPON is crucial as they are trained in understanding what you are attempting and depending on who sees it they will credit your account. There's people just like you and me that work for theses companies and they WANT  US  TO  WIN! stay strong Never give up they want you to question yourself its physiological, (imagine if your child came to you ready to go to the park on the Tuesday that you promised  a month ago but you're tired and kinda don't what to except the Obligation. So you convince them you meant next Tuesday and it works but only they forget next Tuesday and go on to not bother you again. ) This is what is happening with the acceptance of Coupons. 

CHRIS has done an amazing Job with this information and he shared it with us risking his own safety. WE THE PEOPLE are the government these de facto imposters know this. DONT fight among each other. That's simple military tactics 101 divide and conquer and as someone who is in the military or ever was apart of the system in a military operative status understands the danger KEY LEADERS have at their disposal. So in short like the (peaky blinder "NO Fighting") and protect or leader(s) and each other. Welcome to the real AMERICA's 

1 Comment

I have begun using the Dissolve your Debt coupon process via IRS and Treasury. Book is posted on Legalibus telegram under "Files". It is a slow process for which I could find no verification of process. Book is ten years old.
Unless I am mistaken, sending to the address on the coupon is not part of the process in the class. I followed instructions. I agree the only ones seemingly getting (temporary) remedy are sending to coupon address.
I agree with not fighting amongst ourselves, I am merely stating the facts of my actions, and theirs, and my observations of the process.
I am thinking a Class Action Suit for the Trust Fraud may be the way to collectively bring our powers together as more people get caught in this trap. I am not an attorney, or accustomed to court actions so perhaps there is someone on here that wants to take up that spear.

Best Answer

For those who are interested, I just had a long call with CapitolOne regarding their failure to post the credits of the three remittance coupons I submitted.  I am posting this here for any ones' benefit, this being too long for telegram.

The first lady, Anna was a “regular” processor and very helpful and friendly.  She put me on hold several times to investigate what was going on and returned several times seeking more information effectively getting many facts on the recorded line about dates, amounts remitted, addresses to which they were sent, the fact that I had return receipts, I was able to reference the Postal Rule, and their acceptance of the payments as they were not returned to me.  At last attempt she suggested I resend the payments to another address, to which I queried “You want me to resend payments you have already received and accepted?”  To whit she dropped it and put me on hold again.  This call had been about 30 minutes so far.  This hold was very long, about 20 minutes during which time I presume they were trying to get me to hang up, and it provided time for the next person to study up on what I have sent.  When she returned she transferred me the heavy hitter, Lucy, a Senior Accounts Manager.

Without going over everything she had said, I wish to bring out some specific points.

She asked my name and I gave my Beneficiary Name, as Beneficiary and I am not the Trust, Dead corps.  I did this every time she asked my name. (Herein after as KDS Beneficiary).

She made many attempts to get me to claim to be the Sudo-Trustee as the name on the card.  She asked the name on the Credit Card and I said “The name on the credit card is the all Caps Trust Name KIRK ______, which I am not as I am KDS Beneficiary.”

At one point she insisted I give the name “without all the legal stuff” and I said “but it is legal stuff. This is a trust account and you are the Trustee. The name on the card is the all Caps Trust name Kirk _____, and I am not the Trust, the legal dead corps, I am the KDS Beneficiary.”

She asked who applied for the card, and rushing her talk to her detriment, the last four of the social, so I just provided the XXXX and said, “and it is exactly that that makes it a Trust account, and you the Trustee and me the Beneficiary.”

She asked me if Owned the card, to which I replied, “I’m not actually sure who owns the card, either CapitolOne or the Trust account, but not me the KDS Beneficiary.”

She then said she would be treating the call as a 3rd party as I had not identified myself, to which I replied I have done so 3 or 4 times, I am KDS Beneficiary.  She played this card (and every card) several times before moving on to the next tact.  I point out here and wish I had pointed it out in the conversation that she acknowledged I am a 3rd party (and not subject to the contract.)

Near the end she said they would not honor the letters I had sent (with payments) and I said you have already accepted them, and referenced the postal rule.

And at the end she said they would not honor my request (to credit the coupons to the account) as I had not identified myself.  I said “Thank you, that is exactly the correct words, you are not honoring your responsibility as Trustee, and this is a recorded line so I thank you for that.  That is all I need for today, thank you.” and I ended the call.

So in review:

What is your name?

What is the name on the card?

Who owns the card?

I won’t talk to you because you have not identified your self.

I am treating this as a 3rd party call, (unless you agree to be the all caps name; you aren’t privy to the contract.)

We won’t honor…

I suspect this “We will not honor your letters (because you are not agreeing to be the all caps name) is how they are attempting so shed their responsibility when you send a letter.  Obviously, they can’t disregard the letter or the coupon.

Clearly I will have to move on to the Conditional Acceptance, and can now include the Statements made by Lucy that I am not a party to the contract, they are in dishonor, etc.

I hope this is helpful.  I’m happy to answer any questions, and hear your learned suggestions.  If anyone has a CA written for Credit Cards I could look at I would greatly appreciate it as the course does not present one.


Gina Nie

Here is what I tried with Capitol One.
First attempt - send signed coupon to regular payment address. Nothing.
Second attempt - sent notarized letter to CEO including signed coupon AND 1099A with instructions that they could process either to pay the account in full. Gave them 5 days to process. They responded by restricting my account from further use due to activity that violates their customer agreement. They indicate I am still responsible to pay the account to a zero balance.
Third attempt should be conditional acceptance I think!? Feedback appreciated.

Also, like Kirk - does anyone have a sample CA to a credit card company that we can use as a template?


I had the same response, cards cancelled, account closed, told I still owe the balance. Yes it seems conditional acceptance is next step, and several after that as well. It's a deep rabbit hole.

Any new leads? I know it was the holidays but still looking for the example CA that could be sent. Thanks!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember Chris saying in a few videos that if they close out the accounts, that means they have accepted your coupon as payment. They can't close out an account unless it is paid in full. Correct?

Best Answer

I sent in a coupon  certified  with a signature card return.  They recieced in the 4th.  I called the following week on the 11th  asked why my payment coupon was not credited to my account  They opened a investigation to see where it was.  The amount of the coupon was credited to my account on Monday.  Account still open 

I just mailed it to the regular payment address on the coupon.   I put the ucc codes on it and signed the back.  Ppl say you do not have to write them on. But I'm going to  for a while 

I have my second credit card that I'm waiting for the credit card Co to credit my account.


I've seen several people have success by sending to the regular payment address. I followed class instructions and sent it to Special Payments and it snarled. Thanks for your story.

I also had the same effect as Kirk, I'm now gonna send a letter to the accountant with a letter and make sure to include they have 5 days from the letter to credit my accounts and reopen them.


I recieced a letter on the 16th from capital one saying they meed proof of payment or the balance that was credited will be reinstated. I'm sending them an Affidavit of fact of the ucc. Waiting to hear back

Sheila DiTirro
Best Answer

Start that CA course right away so you can send a CA.

Ammeka Bey

What is a CA?


Conditional Acceptance letter is CA