I watched the class a few times, which explained the different boxes on the form. There was no explanation for boxes 7, 12, 13 and 14. I want to be ABSOLUTELY certain when I attempt to explain the usage of the form to someone.
Box 7 is 'Description'. I am assuming that is where one will describe the make, model of a car or the type of home, etc. The instruction manual state that a cusip # should be entered there. Please explain what goes in box 7.
Box 12 is 'state'. I assume I place my state there, correct? Just want to be absolutely sure.
Box13 is 'State ID #. Is that left blank? If not what goes there?
Box 14 is 'State tax withheld'. We don't pay taxes so I'm thinking that will be $0.00
Thanks in advance for clearing these questions up. I plan on doing this process and showing others how once success is achieved.