Help - Conditional Acceptance


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Capital One is pushing back on CA. What do I do next?


I sent a 1099-A w/CA to Capital One Auto finance and they refuse to allow me to pay w/ 1099-A.   Someone suggested I need to go to “arbitration” but I have no idea how to go about that.   Any help would be appreciatebe appreciated. 

1 Answer
Best Answer

You would write "Notice of Trespass" then the who, what, when, were, and why, then take it to a judge.


Thank you for your answer. Can you give me a bit more detail. Who?: Me or them? What?: CA or ? Why?: Why what? How do I “ Take it to a judge?” Please excuse my ignorance but I’m new to this. I was also told to file a UCC1 and a UCC3 but could use detailed instruction on how to fill them out in order to prevent repossession. Again, thank you for the answer.

Peace and God bless,
john-kevin:cann, beneficiary


The the who is trespassing being capital one, the what being breach of contract or the conditional acceptance. Why being the reasons that the breach of contract was a tort or caused or is causing harm injury or loss. You get the work finished and then you flip the docs over and stamp them, sign across diagonally so that the signature runs across the corner of the stamp and then put your finger print over both. This should get your take care of court cost if you do this and by take it to a judge I mean take it to your local county court and file it. I'm still not comfortable using anything UCC personally even citing the codes on stuff because that stuff is under copy right and I don't wanna touch anything like that.


My truck was just repossessed. I sent a notice of trespass to them and received no response. So sent a followup cease and desist but I think it was too late. Any suggetions?