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Conditional Acceptance Care Dealerships

LJ Gantt

Hello All!! Glad we are here trying to become free. I’ve been doing so much research and searching for this type of CA. I’ve looked through all the comments and haven’t see anyone had any luck.  So I’m going to ask myself. Does anyone know what needs to be involved word for word in the CA? thanks I’m happy be to involved with you all. Blessings 

1 Answer
Best Answer

The CA course available on this site. In a situation where there are no templates then it seems we're first out of the gate. I'm working on one now. I've gathered every template and or CA I can find. Reading through those, and any other material, listing whatever responsibilities they've reneged on and making conditions accordingly. My kind of an offer is if they meet the conditions they will expose their own corruption or admit to their own criminal acts. Maybe it will wake some people up to take a good look at their own actions.


I appreciate you Steve! I hope you don't find offense to what I ask. Would you be willing to share what info you have so I can get a general idea to either write my own or with your permission add to yours?

I wanted to edit my post to say this but apparently I don't have enough karma to do so lol😆 so how the hell we get karma!?!? Anyhow Steve this is a continuation of the last post. I just a few days ago had the chance to really delve into Legalibus. I am starting the videos. But I don't know how much more time I have to be able to devote to this so I was hoping to get a CA sent to two dealerships one for me and one for hubby. We are having vehicle trouble so time is of the essence. Thank you!