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Conditional Acceptance to Capital One

Sharon Brooks

I sent my Conditional Acceptance letter to Capital One they received it on 5/10 and the accounts were closed on 5/15 leaving a balance to be paid.  What would be my next step to handle this situation? Does anyone know?

2 Answers
Best Answer

Enforcement is your next step. Execute whatever enforcement you set in your conditional acceptance. You can also try to enforce through consumer laws (see private study sessions). 

1 Comment
Francesca Roman

Christian, don't know if you are still here. I've watched quite a bit of Chris Hauser's stuff but, since I suffer from CRS (Can't remember shit) due to old age, I can't remember any mention of something like that. Is it in very old videos, or more recent ones? There are so many that I don't know where to start. So if you took notes, could you share the location if you saved that? Or send me the steps? I'm not in debt or anything, but I am trying to learn more and compile information and I'm testing the system now in my old age because they are about to force me into medicare and I'm trying to rebel.

Best Answer

have you learned how to monetize the conditional acceptance and send it out to the treasury?

Cathy Lopez

I have been studying for several months and haven't heard of that. Can you give a lil info on that process??


christopher hauser talks about it in his videos. its best if you watch all his videos oldest from newest and take notes on everything that sounds important. but to give a bit of info on it: when you print out your CA (conditional acceptance) you're going to print out 4 copies. 1 to send to the ceo. that one will be sent with your wet signature and must be notarized. then take that notarized document and make 2 copies of it. you'll send those 2 copies to the 2 attorney generals (those are your witnesses) you've added to your CA. then the 4th copy you'll hold onto that a bit. 10 days (or however long you put for the CEO to get back to you) after its been delivered you take your 4th copy, sign it with the wet-signature again, get it notarized again... then on the very back of it you'll monetize it and send it to the treasury. this is what creates the underlying lien security for the Treasury to collect the money. Christopher shows you how to do this whole process on his YouTube. keep looking and you'll get it down.

also another refernce: check out @consciouscontractingcoach on instagram. she also has a website

she explains things very well

Marilyn Falu

Hi Christian, I just sent out payment letters with the coupons (endorsed with beneficiary signature on the back). I sent out 4 of them: Capital One, Navient, IRS, and American Credit Acceptance - for car loan with the coupons and the 1099-A with each of them. I filled everything out like Chris explains in his videos. I also sent them requesting return receipt and Certified Mail. I will keep you all posted with the results. Right now I am going to draft my CA (just in case or just to have one on deck). I do have one question, how can I find out which Attorney General to send it to?


Hi Marilyn, you sent out the coupons to the CEO’s? would love to hear how it goes for you. you might even hear back from them within 1-4 weeks.

for the attorney general send 1 to merrick b garland. he’s in washington, D.c. for the 2nd, pick the attorney general of the state you live in.

and you can do the conditional acceptance to create a big lien security which is awesome. or if you want another option of doing this, say for example the CEO’s all decline you. you can do what you did with the coupons/1099-A’s and assign them to the treasury to pay on your behalf. Chris said people who did that for their payments with their credit cards or whatever you want to pay off within 3-4 weeks. because the banks can’t decline payments from the treasury like they try to bully people who do it on their own.


Hi Marilyn, you sent out the coupons to the CEO’s? would love to hear how it goes for you. you might even hear back from them within 1-4 weeks.

for the attorney general send 1 to merrick b garland. he’s in washington, D.c. for the 2nd, pick the attorney general of the state you live in.

and you can do the conditional acceptance to create a big lien security which is awesome. or if you want another option of doing this, say for example the CEO’s all decline you. you can do what you did with the coupons/1099-A’s and assign them to the treasury to pay on your behalf. Chris said people who did that for their payments with their credit cards or whatever you want to pay off within 3-4 weeks. because the banks can’t decline payments from the treasury like they try to bully people who do it on their own.