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Sending the pre-paid

Watched the video. They seem to go back to the 2 cent stamp, a lot. However, isn't using TP, PP, etc, enough, so that we don't need to use stamps? That's what the 742.1 and 742.2 would indicate.

Do I need to have a red thumb print for where the stamp would be, or would I just use Tax Percue/Porte Pay/Postage Prepaid? The video indicated that UPU was more for if one is based outside the US, with one being in the US to use the 742.1 and 742.2. Or is this flexible?

2 Answers
Olga Houston
Best Answer

@Eddie,  Also Yes put a red thumb print next to your name as the course suggest-- as your seal. And at the bottom next to the 2 cent stamp as the *postmaster, sign over the stamp and date it-- see another comment above.

Bryan Pelaez
Best Answer

I have sent so many certified along with the signature card 30 at a time no problem up until recently the postmaster sent with mailman 5 letters back to me indicating that I owed 7.00 on each one for a postage stamp. I took a copy of the IMM 742.1 and 742.2 my blacks law dictionary sixth edition and asked to speak to a supervisor, they did not know who to bring to the counter. I kindly spoke with them and had them in awe they had no idea what their IMM manual looked like and had no clue what to do. I explained the definition of foreign Relating to or involving another jurisdiction and how I was foreign by my belief and sovereign stance. Non-Domestic because I am without the united states in other words I rescinded my ssn and detached myself from the assistance of govt, a few days later I was delivered a name and phone number of a supervisor to call and I did she gets on the phone and tells me that she will not allow my mail to go through her post office this way that because she has worked there for so long that even she has to pay mail so Instead of arguing I began taking it to another on no problem only I had three old letters from her post office along with three letters from USPS postal inspection service out of Chicago writes talking about how this myth going on the internet that postage for letters is actually prepaid, two or three cents, says that the markings refer to the time when Congress set rates by direct legislative enactment and this particular marking references Chapter 83 stauates 18 USC 1726 and 18 USC 1701 saying it was part of a myth that this legislation was never repealed. and continues to reference statutes and codes well that's where Im at right now I'm calling in the morning to clarify that first and foremost my stance is a peaceful one I'm not some radical trying to recruit people and cause chaos on the contrary I choose to be private because I love to learn  my history and am for the truth, the last thing I need in my life is to force this lifestyle that consists of studying on anyone who does not want it for themselves and that I looked up all his codes and that of them that had been mentioned was pertaining to our situation and simply put refer to IMM manual 742.1 and 742.2  and again How domestic and foreign are defined in blacks law dictionary which is the same dictionary that would referenced to in the tribunal I will let you know how it goes and how it ends I am confident a person of guilt will not come forward and address their  actions so know and understand this walk is one that you will need to study and make it part of your daily life because at every chance they will attack you remember mail fraud a federal offense so pick and choose your side wisely Godspeed

My mail looks like this:


General Post-Office [Judicial District                                                        POSTAGE PAID
Bryan Pelaez  © a living man                                                                      UPU   RL 114(2.2)      

c/o 1034 E Virginia Ter                                                                                                 ,STAMP SEAL

non domestic, ZIP Exempt, without UNITED STATES                           © Foreign Office of Origin

Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308

USPS International Mail Manual 011.htm
742.1 Marking Postage Red
742.2 Parcels Without Postage Stamps


Duenweg, MO post office will not honor anything marked like this they keep putting that it needs more postage. I have done this multiple times and from now on I'm reporting them to the Attorney General's office and they can go to prison behind this. they don't seem to understand that they are not exempt from prison time, this is a federal offense.


I've done this as well just like you have it with my red thumb print. they don't teach these people they just teach them to take the money, they too stupid themselves to read they own documents. I told the lady you better read it for yourself or you will be doing Federal Prison time right along with your superior.

Olga Houston

Wow what hostility of post office or usps places! also I think we can complain at the Universal Postal union (UPU)-- I have this same complaint for my home town post office, i had to go to the next town near me to do my mailing.
I just found UPU- universal postal union- has this info also- add a 2 cent stamp at the bottom right sign over it in gold, if the 2 cent stamp is dark in color- if its light sign it with purple.
The article is mostly about putting a 2 cent stamp on you documents-- but noticed post master seal-- illustration. So I do this on my taxe- percue mail and 2 cent mail- I sign over the stamp making me the *postmaster. The site is called "" you will see it, its a PDF illustration. I have not sent as many as you-- only a few working slowly on my remedies.

Olga Houston

@ Bryan I would take off "judicial district " NON- Domestic covers it- meaning your not in federal territory