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Success With TAXE PERCUE !

Mimi Maxi

Worked for me too! I went to a local post office and I had a feeling the clerk at the post office would know what the markings and labels were because she’s been working for USPS way before I was born. I handed her my envelope and I literally didnt say a word. She knew exactly what it was and did her little 1-2 on the screen and handed me my receipt and I was on my merry way lol. I made sure to have her BAP it (I think I might be spelling it wrong lol) the stamp the post office uses …right over the taxe Percue label because I remember vividly from the video attached to this course to have them do that just so when it passes through the system in the hands of other carriers you don’t run into any issues & have your mail sent back. I also was very curious as to what the receipt would say about how the postage was paid and sure enough it said “Affixed Amount: $9.25” .  I did this with a brown envelope, certified mail . I’m going to try this method with express mail next day delivery using this method once I figure it out because I know in the video attached to this course Morpheus mentions how this can work for priority and express but there isn’t an example on how to fill it out but I know I’ll figure it out 

Finn: Sol

@Mimi Maxi: Congratulations! Glad to hear you succeed it! Can you please share the "From" and "To" information that you wrote on the envelope, and upload a copy of the receipt? This way we can help our Legalibus members apply the same "successful" method that worked for you. Thank you.

Mimi Maxi

Sure thing! I forgot to take a picture of the envelope before I sent it out but I plan on sending out some more mail to the credit bureaus later this week so I'll be sure to upload those pictures. Now for the receipt for that transaction, I do have that and I'd be more than happy to upload it once I figure out how lol!

1 Answer
Mimi Maxi
Best Answer

Mimi Maxi

I have the picture of the format of how to mail it out but I’m having a hard time uploading it.

Mimi Maxi

The link you posted Finn with the other topics, says restricted for some reason. Not sure why. Now with the picture of the format that I sent out I’m just going to create a whole new post and upload the photo that way.

Finn: Sol

Mimi, go to the Forum "Other Topics" and search for title: Taxe Percue - Free USPS Certified Mail (Example).