Help - The 1099-A Process


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1099-A, 1099-OID, 1096

Monte James Mask
The Proper way to fill out the 1096, according to video is WRONG!

When reading the instructions sent with the 1096, it clearly states,  that ALL forms that are filed, must have the same entity, in the top left section of each form. 1099-A is U.S. TREASURY 1099-OID is U.S. TREASURY and the 1096 is U.S. TREASURY. 

Can anyone make it make sense?? 

1 Comment

Can you please be my trustee.

2 Answers
Best Answer

Monte,  I've always filled in ALL THREE FORMS using US TREASURY; 

where I have difficulty,  and I cannot even submit questions on PRIVATE CONSULTATION, is: what are the FULL SETof forms one submit with the 1099OID: if one is trustee for someone else, which forms need to  be completed?  

Just think: if this site is TRULY to help people, and 1099a  truly works [and I'm absolutely positive that it works] why,  on earth,  does Legalibus people not ACCEPT 1099a as payment for a PRIVATE consultation?

Monte James Mask

This was going to be my very question.
Quick scenario, a private session is $150 or if they would accept the 1099 A the session would be $600. This would mean waiting 90 days for the funds, but they'd be getting 4 times the rate. And it would build confidence in the system. We are told not to trust anyone asking for money to learn the process, yet when we complete the courses, it's like..."good job" Now go figure it out, with trial and error. I love Chris H and the way he breaks things down. But I'm sometimes confused by the things that he presents as facts. In one video, he's got the 1099A in his possession that SHOULD be sent and filed. He never shows us any document that we SHOULD be receiving back from the IRS, Treasury, or any other agency. (I agree, that the 1099A process works) I raise dogs, and I'm going to accept 1099A as payment. I get more for them in the long run, and if I don't ever get paid. Then I'm truly only out the dog food and some time on this litter. If it works, I'll be presenting my information. Thank you so much for your answer.

Gabriel-Adam: Forrest

I'm trustee for someone, and have received through the online filing (paper copies were also submitted), a notice of acceptance from the IRS. Submitted Dec. 7th, Acceptance Jan. 10th. Currently waiting on funds, but no bad news or notices of wrongful filing have been given from myself as a trustee or through my own trustee.

If you guys want help, send me a message and I'd be more than happy to try and answer the questions that you guys have, but Chris is the expert, he's answered every single question that you guys might have, you simply have to pay attention to what he says, as well as what he shows on the videos, and read the instructions carefully.

Best Answer

For people that do not trust this information don't use it.  Chris has done time on these issues, let us not forget that.
