Has anyone applied for the 1099-A grant? In one of the telegram chats for Mr. Hauser and you can apply for a grant and then recieve $1.5m if you pay a tax fee of 4k. I'm trying to find others who have applied and received the funds. I'm having a hard time setting up a way to recieve them.
2 Answers
I just found this out yesterday. And I've been connected to this info for months, except for Telegram where I was only finding the scammers, including the scammer you're asking about.
https://t.me/+x8muJzvm26I5MmQx is the real Chris Hauser Telegram group.
That link is in all of the Christopher Hauser Youtube LIVE vids - in the description section (there are 14 of those vids currently)
The legit Telegram group at this moment shows 10,062 members with 432 online - & profile pic is from Chris's Youtube channel