Help - The 1099-A Process


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1099A technical question?

Gary Lavin

I just wanted to get clear on how to get the print on the paper (i.e. handwritten vs typed)?  In addition it is unclear to me if I separate the copy A and send it by itself or all three copies together and do I send the whole page (three 1099's) or just the one that I filled out?

1 Comment
Donna-Ann Blocker

Hi, I can't seem to get a clear answer on this also. I've gotten different answers from actual IRS agents. The last early as last week, July 23rd, at my local IRS office. This agent was of no help and treated me horribly. Her smartie-pants answer was that "it was self explanatory" (to her) disregarding my statement that I'd been given different answers. I have come to understand that one would have to be able to separate the (2) additional pages (carbon copies) for the purpose of retaining one and sending one to the appropriate party, with the Original or "FRONT" red/white copy sent to the Treasury, etc. However, my additional question still burns... must I send ALL of the Original "FRONT" red/white copy as a whole document in tact, for the purpose of the feed scanner? That is what I read at the end of one section, going into the next. So whether or not we've actually used ALL 3 Original "FRONT" red/white sections or not, we are NOT the separate them. I think I've confirmed my own answer by writing this out, and will obviously try to utilize all forms when I can.