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Coupon Process where to mail for results.


After 4 attempts with my credit card companies and no credits being supplied, I finally found someone who has gotten positive results for the past three months.  The procedure on the front of the coupon is the same, you still add the HJR, and UCC codes, you add your signature both on the front and the back, also adding By accomodation and then your signature, Angela-Marie:Udechukwu, and below that, without recourse. 

Now, you do not mail this to the company. Use the following addresses. KY is for the East Coast and Utah is the West Coast. 

C/O Treasury UCC Contract Trust

Internal Revenue Service

Stop 440

P.O. BOX 9036

Ogden, UT 84201

West Coast

Internal Revenue Service

C/O Treasury UCC Contract Trust

P.O. BOX 931000

Louisville, KY 40293-1000

East Coast

The interesting part when his green card came back it was stamped, JP MORGAN Agent for Internal Revenue Service. I was trying to upload the image but I don't see how to accomplish that. You can email me if you would like to see it.

Don't forget to send Registered or Certified Mail.


Could you please share who teaches this approach and the logic behind sending it to the Treasury.. and what did success actually look like?

Reynaldo P Duran

Well according to the word Treasury that is were all the money is supposed to go. All money cause its the Treasury it's supposed to go there. But we have been paying our bills to the wrong place instead of doing it the proper way. We just like ww are taught since kindergarten DO WHAT YOUR TOLD! And we don't ask questions or read. Due diligence! This is why or how they double dip. They tear off coupon for or bills we send along with our payment is a check. Coupon redemption. They cash our check we send and then they do w h at we should be doing and send in the coupon and get it redeemed by the Treasury. Then Treasury sends a check back to who is redeeming the coupon/check. We should be sending it to the Treasury and then send copies to billing company who send you the statement. I would also send to credit bureaus proof payment is made. I would be interested in the steps necessary for this it makes perfectly good sense. They disclose this to the public. Treasury pays it from the trust.


You need to find the TRUST BANK of each bill company on their 8-k SEC filings.
That TRUST BANK has a dept. where to send transfers to and they give you the address. You need to tell them what to do with your security and rescind their security interest in your coupon (security). Sign the back deposit only and to where. Do NOT need bene signature. Lookup 31 CFR § 328.5 and 31 CFR § 328.6 for stamping instructions to send through the treasury. I've spent HOURS reading and reading and listening to T'meka at paths2frdm — you must put in the work to have a foundation so you know what you're doing and why you're doing it.

Wendy Daden

THANKYOU Soul, Teddy & Reynaldo, that makes sense.
Do you pay tax this way?

3 Answers
Best Answer

I've gotten some accounts zeroed by sending the presentment to the Treasury. But this is very hard to follow up on since there is not much you can do in terms of enforcement since we have very little insight into the Treasury and how they are sending notice to the companies of the accounts being settled. The remedy I have so far was done with no enforcement, no follow up, just completely vanished accounts in some cases, some zeroed out on my credit report, and I even received a 1099C copy B for one account. I have just recently sent another presentment packet and just today sent out some CA's from some payment demand letters I received for the presentments I sent, basically pointing them to the certified mail number for proof of payment via a third party. I'm really happy with how my CA letter turned out for my student loan. We shall see...

Best Answer

it is now the eve of November.  Any updates??

Best Answer

My friend gave me this process. His Aunt and Uncle are both retired from the IRS and this is where the information came from. He has successfully done this for three months. All of his balances are zero. I am just getting mine in the mail today. I will post the results once I receive them. The KY address of course should say Internal Revenue Service as well. I see I left that out.


Please keep us posted of your results. How long from mail delivery until account zeroed in your friend's experience?

Cindy Swanson

In July, I sent a test package certified mail to the Utah office. They received it July 21. No outcome as of yet.

Angie Singleton

Any updates on this process?? What if you are in Texas how would this work in our area

Angie Singleton

Sorry, but is this process just for credit cards? What about energy bills

Ros V

Hi everybody. Is August 2023 now. What was the outcome everybody?


So where did everyone go? Any results out there from these postings?