Help - The 1099-A Process


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Trustee process?

Dejue Brumfield

The question has been closed for reason: Duplicate post

on 01/06/2023 02:52:49


I’ve seen people on here saying that they have done the process needed to become a trustee but when people ask they aren’t really explaining how, where, or what they did in order to become one. So i figured I would ask how can I become a trustee? I’m not asking for free info, if you took a course point me in that direction please or if you read a book or even the correct forms to fill out. I am still watching the videos on the 1099 A process in general so I’m not trying to become one over night. However I am also looking for someone to become a trustee for myself. I am interested in purchasing a house. If anyone is willing to be a trustee for me please email me at dbrumfield722@gmail\.com 

Thank you!
