I mailed in my coupons on 5-16-22, they were confirmed as delivered on 5-18-22. After no response or reply, I called on 6-9-22, and my credit was posted on 6-14-22. Prior to mailing in my coupon, I also already had a payment arrangement setup due to loss in income from Covid-19, and I was told to pay at least one dollar on each account by select June dates, so I did also pay $1.00 to each account as well prior to mailing. I do not believe that it had any bearing on the method, but I wanted to ensure that I included that fact as well.
3 Answers
I have 2 Capital one accounts. Sent 2 conditional agreements with a fee schedule. Signed green cards returned, no response. Sent out an invoice with late fees applied. No response. They closed both cards. Sent out a 3rd invoice(8-4) with a $1M fee for each closing the account. No response. Next step is to send out Notice of Fault and Opportunity to Cure and Contest Acceptance then Affidavit of Certificate of Non-Response....My goal is to be able to lien the debt via the UCC and then 1099C and 1099a to acquire the abandoned debt for my Estate.
The statement is a bond with a coupon for the interest they owe. You must learn how to present,endorse the bond and give a letter of instruction to the Indenture Trustee of Capital One. That person is alive and deals with the beneficary. The others are all dead(corpse-oration) and can not help you. I am learning how to properly discharge the debt and receive the interest to a TDA account. The credit companies are all committing fraudulent by not providing: Federal required “Rescission forms, 94 Stat. 175, 176; Pub. L. 98-479, title II, § 205, Pub. L. 90-321, title I, 125, May 29th,1968, Pub. L 96-221, title VI, § 612 (a)(1), (3)-(6), Mar. 31, 1980,98 Stat 2234; Pub. L. 104-29, §§ 5, 8, Sept. 30,1995,109 Stat. 274, 275; Pub. L. 111-203, title X, § 1100A (2), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 2107.) Title 15 USC 1635, 12 S C FR part 1026 (Regulations Z. are a few gems to use. They violated the contract and are in breach of contract. Contract is no longer valid. Check out telegram "Study Group" has 71 members.
mariyln Falu, the coupon method will not work with capital one..they will close the account...The only thing you can do is learn what i posted about securities fraud. You will have to build a case to sue. Read the credit agreement and use that info to dispute the fraud...Remember they used your credit card agreement as a promissory note to the Treasury to get 10x the amount of your credit limit. they loan you 1x and keep the rest. your trust is on the hook for all of it...That statement is the bond and the coupon is the interest. what this and learn...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ2PF-yrFbM&t=4961s
Capital One closed both of my accounts despite it having tenured payments ACH. They just closed them to discourge people from using the coupons. I have to wait ten business days before they will decide if they will reopen my accounts!!!
I sent out my mortgage, both car notes, Electric Coop today. One thing everyone should understand\.\.\.\.\.keep paying\ your\ payments\.\ Don't\ let\ your\ payments\ stop\.\ However,\ I\ intend\ to\ answer\ every\ letter\ of\ response\ within\ 72\ hours\ of\ receiving\.\ AV4\ every\ time\ they\ send\ a\ coupon\ and\ keep\ working\ the\ process\.\ IMHO....they want you to give up, but the law and proof is on our side.
wheres the pictures?
I do not have the option to upload any photos
Congratulations! I am encouraged to do this with my Capital One & two other accounts!!!
Hi George,
Hi took pictures of my payment coupon process with Citibank. I received the green signature card back with someone’s stamped name but they did not credited the account. They did however did my automatic payment. George can you tell me who you talked with when you called and what you said. Calling will be my next step because it’s been over a week since they received payment. Thank you.
I sent coupon, Conditional Acceptance, both certified mail, got green card back couple days later 6/17/22. I called on 7-12, still no posted payment, but getting late fees added, credit report showing closed and restricted accounts with now even higher balances due to late fees. Can't get help without paying donation. Feeling so dumb and naive :(... praying
I love hearing the success stories. I'm sorry to hear @ ones that didn't work. I believe in the process. I was wondering if the successes sent to payment processing or to CEO? If there is a direct connection re: who receives. Also, I might have misheard, but I thought in one video he said CEO and in one he said CFO.Ive try to register and can't find the example. If anyone knows for sure if its CFO or CEO please let me know. I've heard several comments that accounts were closed when sent to CEO. I like to be sure of my actions before taking them. Thanks everyone and I will be sure to post all my success examples when they happen! Chris you are an amazing human being. Thank you for all the hard work you do to make this available to us! Blessed be.
Where's the proof Capital One close my account