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Child Support and my 1099-A (halfway there!)

Ok everyone, here it is:

I filled out a 1099-A just like this Legalibus course taught me.  I've also watched numerous videos and read many laws and studied for about two years on this stuff.  I put my bene. signature on the back, and I mailed it WITH a form 1096 and the regular payment coupon (from the bill) to the State payment office where my child support is due.

The amount I owe is close to $51,000.00.  I filled out the payment coupon for the same amount of the 1099-A, and my monthly payments are $440, so the bill coupon says "amount of payment" and, I put $51k.  Because I can overpay from the monthly amount, of course.

Nothing happened for a few weeks, and I got a second paper statement bill, and nothing changed.  It was more than $51k this time (the new bill)... so I CALLED THEM!

The woman that talked with me on the phone said "yeah, we got your 1099-A for $51k but we put a hold on that because we weren't sure what to do with it", "It does say we received a payment coupon for $51k, a 1099-A and there is a note on here that is asking how to move forward with this". "That's what notes your caseworker has on here".

So here's where it pays to study your information!!  

I told her that I'd recently found out that I'm a beneficiary to a very large trust and the trust operates solely through the IRS and the US Treasury, where the money is held.  Once I give the permission and signature (1099-A), the state then becomes the temporary trustee and files the document with the IRS.  The Treasury then receives that information and writes the check for said amount to the State.  So I also explained to her that the person that files the 1099-A is going to be a high level accountant, a CFO, possibly a commissioner or attorney general, because we both didn't know WHO actually files the IRS documents for the state.  It could even be her HR department.  I still don't know and won't know until I find out.

SO- She told me that she will relay this information to the people above her and to check back with her in about a week or two and see if the payment went through.

And NO, I haven't found out yet because this just happened on 06/27/24.  But the great thing is: she was very sincere, she took it seriously, and I believe that this will work, ESPECIALLY when someone at the state files it with the IRS.  Once it's there, I know I'm golden and it will be paid!

So this is somewhat of a halfway success story, but I promise there will be more to come!  I've read too much about this and have seen too many success stories for this not to work ladies and gents!!

Thanks Legalibus & Community, I will keep you posted.


james hood

So great that they didn’t push back on you! Sounds like it’s going to be a positive outcome Russ!

Truth Seeker

will love to hear how this all works out


Would love an update on this , were you successful?

1 Answer
Russ-A: A, bene.
Best Answer

Ok guys and gals, NO I haven't been successful and here is why:

My case worker in the county my child support is due sent the 1099-A directly to the state capital's "payment center" where they would not (could not) process the IRS document.

Obviously there is a clear solution for me here to FIND the responsible party that actually processes the IRS documents, probably the State Commissioner or Attorney General.

THAT is my next challenge.

Any suggestions people?  All information is helpful.



1 Comment
Truth Seeker

yes , find the state legislation that talks about the processing of the payments , they usually go into a The Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund or the General Revenue Fund ...... use ChatGPT if Google cant get you there.... i quickly typed in google -"what is the general funds trust in Illinois that child support payments go into" and it look me right there ..... but chatGPT works great if you tell it to scan internet and the state and federal laws and look for specific language that covers anything in reference to xxxxxxxxx , etc , etc it will do you some real good ....then search for who the trustee is for said fund , or just ask it what agency or office should you contact to seek remedy and relief of void judgements for child support , or for 1099a or whatever is relevant and it will likely get you to someone that can either process or help point you in the right direction , which is usually the Dept of Revenue or the state IRS equivalent