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Get Welfare Benefits as the Beneficiary

without prejudice,

A lot of people have seen this post and used it to successfully get benefits. There is a small handfull of people it did not work for. I am not 100% certain as to why. I want to prefice the post with some important information. If you do this process and then file taxes the following year you will very likely get a bill for an over payment of benefits. If you are living as an American State National then you are not a tax payer. Remember, they only go by what you tell them. If you say that the beneficiary has no income or wages then turn around and contradict yourself by filing taxes then they will come after you.


Welfare is a Trust. The trustee is the Department of Human Services. The granter is The UNITED STATES INC. The beneficiaries are WE THE PEOPLE. The welfare trust is funded by our Cestuie Que Vi trusts. When the beneficiaries are granted the benefits it comes out of YOUR trust. They are meeting your basic needs for food, medical care and sometimes housing with your own money.

As with EVERYTHING in this slave system it matters how you fill out the forms. It matters that you know who you are. The definition of words and the context they are used matters. You were born a non-citizen state national and no one changed it, therefore making a status change is NOT necessary for any of this to work. Knowing who you are IS NECESSARY as is knowing what words mean, what to say and how to say it.

mary-ann: pierce, beneficiary = natural woman born on unincorporated land known as pennsylvania

MARY ANN PIERCE = Slave, Chattel, Corporate Fiction. He who creates controls. This corporate fiction was created by them and it is controlled by them. (There are ways to get control of the ALL CAPS name but that is out of the scope of this writing)

When you fill out the application for benefits you are doing it as a natural man or woman born on unincorporated land. You have nothing, own nothing, make nothing, file nothing and live nowhere. It is ALL in the name of your ALL CAPS corporate fiction.

You MUST get a paper form and fill it out with a black pen. If you apply online you are agreeing that you are the ALL CAPS corporate fiction and will be bound by rules, laws, statutes and codes. DO NOT print the form out from the internet either. It is very likely a completely different form than the one you get when you walk into an assistance office and ask for a form.

Proper nouns exist in the commerce jurisdiction, so, to be super thorough, I filled the entire form out, without one single capital letter. I filled it out in black ink in entirely lower case letters and I signed it without prejudice, in all lower case cursive letters, with a blue pen.

Home Address – I left this blank. The form did not give a way to specify domicile vs residence and since residence places you in a franchise of the district of columbia, I did not want to risk unwittingly agreeing to being an employee of the UNITED STATES INC. So I recommend leaving it blank.

Mailing Address – I used my brothers address but you can use your actual home address but it is CRITICAL that you write it like this: c/o 1234 anywhere street statespelledout near citynamespelledout [12345] Put the zip code in brackets as shown.

You will notice that in almost every state they require your signature, on page one, before they ask you anything about your family members, assets or income. I think this is significant but I'm not sure why.

It is CRITICAL that you sign, in BLUE ink, without prejudice in your beneficiary signature. This is the format: firstname-middlename: lastname, beneficiary. UCC 1-308 See the diagram below to see exactly how I signed my form.

Pennsylvania asks you point blank, “Are you a US citizen or national” You need to strike the word citizen with a singe black line from left to right through the entire word. Circle the word national and put a black x in the yes box.

On the section where you are to list your children. Write thier beneficiary names and where it asks what your relationship to them is put OFFSPRING. Do not call them child or children. Also do not call them US CITIZENS either.

Florida does not ask you that but when it asks you about adults living in your house, you start with yourself. It asks for the date and place of birth. I advised the sister from Florida to write beneficiary firstname-middlename: lastname born 1/5/1970 on unincorporated land known as massechusettes [boston] or near boston.

CRITICAL NOTE: This is a slave system that goes by what YOU tell them. So, DO NOT tell them anything you do not want them to know. Any questions they ask that appear with * or ** are optional for SNAP and you can just leave them blank. That is what I did.

There is hidden meanings in how you mail it. When you mail it registered mail with return reciept you are creating a common law contract and the postal rule is in play. That means the minute it is signed for the contract is accepted. Registered mail is put in a locked safe and every time it moves someone has to sign for it. It cannot be sent on an airplane which is why it can take a long time if it is going across the country.

I mailed my paper application only (no other correspondance), on a Monday at 9:30am and by 10am Tuesday I got a phone call from an unrestricted number (they usually come up on my cell as private). The man said my application was received and approved. He asked if I left the home address blank on purpose and did I want to leave it that way. I said yes and that was it. I was approved for Medicaid for myself and my twins, $700 in food stamps, My kids got free lunch at school AND there is a second EBT card in the name of my oldest child for $300 so they can buy food for themselves.

As a general rule I would not discuss anything at legnth with them on the phone. If it gets weird or complicated ask them to put it in writing and just hang up. It never came to that. In fact they did not even ask for ANY supporting documents.

If you have ever been on welfare in the past, and I have, you know they are nauseatingly redundant and you are constantly being made to send in copies of everyone's birth certificates as well as photo ID and proof of any other medical insurance and proof of any reported income. THEY ASKED FOR NOTHING, not one thing.

I have a theory that by sending the application REGISTERED RETURN RECEIPT it gets processed by someone who has been trained in all this dumb fuckery. I would love some kind of validation or proof of this but so far it is just a theory of mine.

When mailing your application ONLY you must have a supervisors name. This is the way you would address it. 

Mary Smith
Trustee for the Florida County Assistance Office
1234 Street
City, State, Zip

Also when you go to the post office have your registered mail all filled out already. Make sure they used denominated stamps. Do NOT let them put a meter strip on it. 

I am helping a sister from NJ fill out her forms today and I just noticed at the top of page one it says “APPLICATION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR PUBLIC ASSISTANCE” The NJ application is an affidavit. How excellent, that means when it is unrebutted it stands as truth. So, if at sometime in the future they come back and say you were overpaid (or that you somehow contracted) you can use the application as evidence of them agreeing that YOU and your kids are BENEFICIARIES and that they are TRUSTEES therefore you owe them NOTHING. (insert satisfying laugh and cucumber confetti here)


I did not ask for cash assistance. I am doing a deep dive on Temporaty Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) otherwise known as cash assistance. THIS IS NOT A TRUST

It is a GRANT. TANF provides GRANT funds to states and territories to provide families with financial assistance and related support services. State-administered programs may include childcare assistance, job preparation, and work assistance. Specifically TANF is a block grant.

Block grants provide state and local governments funding to assist them in addressing broad purposes, such as community development, social services, public health, or law enforcement, and generally provide them more control over the use of the funds than categorical grants.

My advice is to NEVER EVER apply for cash assistance at the same time as food stamps or medicaid. It's a sure fire way to get denied.

More added info:
After helping so many people do this I want to add a couple things that I think have power. One is to put your red thumb print next to your blue signature. The other is to put stamp duties on the bottom right corner of the page with your signature on it and on the back right corner of the same page. Use a 2 cent stamp and have it canceld at the post office before you affix it to your page. You could also cancel it out by signing your beneficiary signature in gold at a 45 degree angle across the stamp.

I spend a LOT of time helping people do this and I do it for free. I do not have a full time job and helping people for free is starting to affect my ability to meet my own financial obligations. 

If I have helped you and you are inclined to, I will accept voluntary donations of any amount. You assign a value to how much this has helped you. I will also accept barter. When you are successful getting your snap you can add it to your Amazon account and use it to send me something I need. 

I love helping people and don't want anyone who needs this infomration to not approach me for help. We all can just do what we are able. 

Houston Groves

Thank you for your story!

Is there a way to add pictures? I have the attached graphics to illustrate two things that are critical.

You can add pictures in an answer to a post (not in a comment). So if you click "Answer" you should be able to do so.


Thank you!! I am following this...

sonia sherpa

Thank you so much for sharing how you did this Mary!! I heard you on the Q&A the other nights, would you be able to help me fill mine out or check over it?

Yes, I can do that.

Joi Whitehead

Wow! I love this! Could I have help from you with my application? I'm in another state, so I'm unsure if it may be a bit different. Thank you so much in advance for sharing this!

I'd be happy to help you.

Joi Whitehead

Thank youuu! I'm unsure of how to connect with you and go for it


Thank you for this great detailed information you posted. Please, let me know or post in here how your assistance for the Sister makes out in NJ as this is where I am located.


Hi mary-ann! Thank you for sharing this success here and on the recent Q & A call. I have the application for Illinois and have some questions about it. Wondering if you'd be willing to help me get it filled out correctly. Thanks!!


Quick question about postage, mary...Did you send it taxe percue or did you pay for postage? Thanks!

I'm applying in NE. There is a section for Veterans. Should I fill that part out, or is it best to leave it blank?

Regarding applying for SSA, should I send it to the DC location, or the local (in my state) branch?

Peace and great job!!! I’m a 52 year old Jersey National muse and would love some help on my application as well,if at all possible. Thanks in advance Queen!

Here's my recent tracking:

I did everything, for sending to SSA, and for EBT, for the regional offices in Omaha, but:

Delivery Attempt: Action Needed

Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available).

Does this mean simply that someone in Omaha didn't RR? If so, how can I resolve that?

@eddie : starr, beneficiary

Go pick up the item and mail it to an address that has people who will sign for it.

Samuel Wilkerson

Quick question on this topic. Does this work if you are already recieving benefits? Like the only benefit getting its medical so should I use a new form fill it out for the other information??


How much information to you give them?

I've been receiving SNAP for 15 yrs & Cash Aide for 10 then it switched to SSDI for my son. (California) and your very right. Also READ there questions very carefully because the verbage is very critical crucial I should say. If your on SSI, SSDI, SSA, SSR OR GET VETERANS BENEFITS then you DON'T have INCOME- THERE "BENEFITS"
#1) You don't have INCOME you receive BENEFITS
#2) Income is Wages Earned also if (AFTER you've PAID) your Rent, Utilities, Heat, Water, Garbage- what ever is left IS WHAT INCOME IS. Ex: you get $2,000 from SSDI your rent is $1,200 and all utilities together come out to $600 then your income is $200 and that's what is deducted from cash aide allotment.
#3) When you receive you NOA they must explain what actions are taking place not a general blanketed answer.
#4) Don't throw away NO PAPER from them . Trust me it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Ms. Aletta Elizabeth Hite, thank you for sharing. I applied and got SS before I knew about any of this. I applied for EBT and got it but then when they saw I had SS they downgraded my benefits to 23.00. I appealed but they told me if I loose I would have to pay it all back for the previous 3 months. They did not see till Jan about the SS. They said if you have any income you do not qualify for much. How do I fix this and do I need to go to court to argue definition of income? Technically SS is already my money paid in for and not new right?

FACTAMUNDO!!!!!!!!!!!!! and in that order. appears YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE 4sho.... thanks for the GEMS queen......


Is it possible to use this method for soc. sec. disability? My daughter is blind, however, they keep denying her.


I sent my forms off now they are wanting all this information that I don't want to give. I don't want to send my bank statements. :(

Please email me directly. Do not go through this post. I get your comments but I cannot reply to them.


If you apply for food stamps only they are anot allowed to ask for proof of income. If they ask tell them you the natural living man/woman do not have income, you do not have a bank account, you have never filed taxes.

Your corporate fiction did all that.

Cash Assistace is a Block Grant NOT A TRUST

Mimi Maxi

Wow. This was amazing Mary. Thank you so much. I love how you detailed everything and went through the process thoroughly.

Now my question for you is that I just recently renewed my food stamps in April/March online via the portal (which I would’ve seen this before I renewed lol) and they actually decreased the amount I received by $100 for a single person. I’m assuming it’s because I have a new job and they had me submit in my pay stubs as proof of income. I’ve been meaning to call them to ask them why they did that but I don’t even think that’ll be necessary any more.

So being that I just renewed, and I wouldn’t technically be doing a new application, how would I go about it? Should I still just do a whole new application, but this time the paper way just how you mentioned and do it using the beneficiary signature? Also I know you said you received $700 , is this the amount you received or is this amount you requested on the paper application for both you and your son?

@mary-ann:bradford-pierce, BNF I followed you instructions on how to fill out the SNAP benefit food application the correct way @first I filled it out online they declined me, so I was thinking to myself okay so you guys decline me maybe I did fill out the app wrong, but when I read your post, I was like that was the best thing that could've happened for them to do that so I went and picked up the app and filled out everything pertained to me in black ink and all lower case and signed my beneficiary signature with blue ink in lower case then I looked over every page that pertained to me made sure every I was dotted and all t's crossed then I went to the post office and mailed it on June 23, 2023, sent it to Austin, TX. Now I just wait for the phone call. Thanks mary-ann:bradford-pierce, BNF for the correct instructions. God Bless

Hi mary-ann, that is awesome and congrats to you. Thank you for sharing! My question is how would you suggest I write Washington D.C. on applications? I was born there.

Ros V

Wow. You could educate everyone in this forum! I have never read so much detailed information.

Lerin Dees

When I did this they called and said I submitted an incomplete app and they need to do a phone interview

Living Woman Sheena

I did this and they sent me paperwork stating they needed my bank statements and medicare information and reminded me that I could mark no but they have the ability to check my medicare status... I do have SSDI... I am disabled... by their terms those are already benefits and the medicare is a joke... I can't survive on the SSDI benefits alone and they take the premium for medicare from my benefits... so that knocks it down quite a bit... leaving me very little to survive on... I am not sure what to do next but I am going to read through this paperwork... word for word and go from there... may need to reach out here for further guidance if possible! Thank you!

Private American

Has anyone had success in Idaho? They sent me a letter just saying I need a phone interview but nothing else was needed.

Rachel Naples

Thank you for sharing your helpful information!

Tammy Wennerstrom

I wish I would have known this information before applying online and being denied. Can I re-apply as instructed above right away or is there a time limit since I'm now in their system? I'm sure it will be a red flag to re-apply?? Thank you


Hi! Do you know about anything concerning section 8 or housing vouchers

Richard Rios

@Mary-Ann, Awesome information. I do have a couple questions, would you be able to email me so we can chat? If so, how do I get my email to you? Should I post it here? Thank you so much for your consideration.

steve-g:ehman bene.

In Washington state they only have us citizen, I assume I would need to mark out citizen and put national under it ,or would I be altering there form.
Thank you for your post!

3 Answers

WARRIOR BRIDE- EXCELLENT QUESTION? ❓ YES, YES, YES!!! Appeal everything! Seriously. 

THERE GAME & RULES:  (On your mark, Get Ready...Go to BLACK LAWS FOR THE comprehension and clarity)

GOVERNMENT  USSERY OF WORDS: (their Glossary/Dictionary & definitions are interpreted to their way of conveying....        I called and APPEALED the NOA REDUCED for reason that my Income went up- When questioned about the APPEAL by the Appeal Specialist I said Yes, I'd like to Appeal the NOA for reduced food stamps because there was a change in income. I'm requesting that it be a Phone Hearing, and I'm APPEALING THE INCOME. 

APPEAL HEARING (Phone), APP (Aide Paid Pending). When they said we can only discuss INCOME I agreed and then they started off with how much money (income) my house hold gets by adding what SSA reports and the award letters. I said Stop, we're only allowed to talk about income and I'm not talking NUMBERS- ACCORDING TO BLACK LAWS DICTIONARY There's No Such Thing As Income... there's only benefits. So I receive NO INCOME AT ALL. NOBODY IN MY HOUSEHOLD RECEIVES OR WORKS FOR INCOME & THE ONLY TIME THERE IS A INCOME IS WHEN we've been made whole and have been compensated for the (Gold & Silver taken from our Ancestors) and the debt has been paid back and once we're at the that level (threshold) then & only then anything valued over ($ 0.01) THE POVERTY THRESHOLD IS NOW INCOME. IT'S impossible so they lose. 😁 I will take the full allotment allowed thank you

Best Answer

This is how I answered the citizenship question.

This is how I signed.

I will reach out to the host of this web site to see about doing a formal Q&A on this subject.


Can anyone else share if they've had success with applying for SNAP, SSA, or any other such bens?

Tuwanna Rico


Well everyone! Good news I filled out the form the way maryann-bradford way and guess what I checked on it today 7 24 23 and I will receive 281.00 come Aug 5, 2023 This is the way to go!!!
Thank you so very much.


Mary, a couple things stand out for me from what I have been learning. 1. The name you use on this site - "BENE.". BENE is an acronym, a period is not used after an acronym and I don't think a period turns it into anything else. The correct abbreviation for beneficiary is: bene. (lowercase with a period). 2. By crossing out "citizen" but not U.S., it looks to me like you are declaring yourself a U.S. national, which I was reading is akin to a U.S. citizen. Maybe "or" negates U.S. but with all the trickery going on I assume nothing. It seems logical to me to cross out all three words -'U.S. citizen or"- to prevent the unforeseen. And I have wondered about making those changes on forms (contracts). Shouldn't those changes be beneficiary initialed, something like this: m-a:b-p,bene.?

Abe Cruz
Best Answer

It has been a month since I applied(Begged) and haven't heard anything. Received the green card 3 weeks ago. Totally ignored, as usual.


Whether you say you 'can' or you 'can't' you are correct. What you think has power. If you believe it will fail then for you it will fail.

Lots of people have found success.

As long as you continue to think like a slave you will continue to be a slave.


abe cruz which green card are you talking about

Abe Cruz

They deposited into an old EBT card I had. I wasn't even aware. Gave me $500 plus $280 a month for 6 months. I let it expire, but I will do it again.