Success Stories

Share your success stories.


I paid my credit card with a coupon


Mark reported paying off his discover credit card balance with the coupon method. See more details in this course.


Did u habe to do the billing error letter ? Or conditional acceptance ?

Jermy Vickers

Show us proof of the coupon you used


Did they close the account?
If not, what did you use in the conditional acceptance to stop them from closing the account?

Sanita Dubica

What is the address you used with Discover? They don't have a section about irregular payments in the agreement

Linda Gray

This is the 4th testimony I've opened and none of the questions by others are answered. What good is sharing if not confirming the training?

Michael Robb

What address did you send it to?

L. K.

So many unanswered questions 'here'. I agree that it is pointless to post a paid bill without describing fully what was done by the individual and showing more proof that it was paid via the coupon process. Also - what happened to the manner of 'voting' for people's comments? If I could, I'd vote for a few of the comments posted in response to this success story. Showing details should not discourage others from taking the full course - if anything, it should encourage others to take the course and learn more so they can share and are astute enough to discuss the process, should they be questioned. Gratitude to Legalibus for the opportunity to learn these things for free. :)


Go to courses, "how to pay your bills with coupon", success stories, if you haven't read it there it won't have a check mark.

Germán Herrera

Please help us by answering the questions in the chat.

steve E

why don't ya just do the course and do it!!!!


Dear Administrator, 'Go to the coupon cause and you will see the details.' Where is the 'coupon cause' to see the details and proof. I wish Legalibus would not allow posting of 'success' examples without more specific information and better photos. The Capital One example seems to be the clearest example of all of them, the rest have no real proof of anything being paid off or paid down. It makes things seem suspect when people don't include specific details for the greater good. If a bill is shown here, then the receipt of the same bill with copies of whatever the person did to secure payment and a reduced balance document with details that clearly link it to the photo of the bill should be required. Otherwise, it's just another internet story. Obviously, instructing people to cover their name, phone, address and all but the last few digits of their account number - so it is obvious and legitimate. Additionally, asking posters to check back to answer questions, as the person who posted the Cap One example did. So many questions from Legalibus users and zero answers from the people who posted. Thank you - I hope Legalibus will consider requirements for posting success stories.

I've been trying with Capitalone for over a year so I know the success story can't be real. I've filled it out every which way and they're still "demanding" payment like I'm gonna give them any "money". I've filed a complaint with the cfpb many times until I get this fixed. then maybe I'll have a success story. 🙌 but until then I'm not sure these are legit without any other proof.