For those wanting to hear success stories, updates on the process, any pertinent returns! Trustee was provided with a 1099a for one years worth of rent. Entire package sent, all forms, back in April! Green card returned to trustee, from Ogden Ut, on April 15th. Today this letter appears from Ogden! They are either delaying the process, or the new employees, agents do not understand how to process the forms. What you all say, any comments are welcomed!
1 Answer
I submitted the 1099a, 1096, 1099 OID, 1040v & 8888 back in May for a beneficiary. I received a letter from the IRS on 8/18/22 saying they needed an additional 60 days to process. I called them, was on the phone for over 2 hours. I first went to the collections dept, the nice lady told me after she reviewed my account, that I needed to be transferred to the refunds department. I then got another gentlemen on the phone who looked at my account and told me that everything looked good, it looked like I had filed everything correctly for the beneficiary and it was in the payment processing dept for funds to be disbursed they were just running behind. My 60 days is almost up :) Since then I have also filed a form 15227 to lock my social security number with the IRS. This stops anyone from using your number without a direct call to you for your pin. It is a way of making the powers that be to push your forms through. I have also learned that you can file a w4, 1040, 1040v with a cover sheet asking the office of the secretary to audit the account and refund you any payments you made. Because all comes out of our trust account, they have to refund the Federal Reserve Notes you paid!
Thank you so much for sharing! My friend is acting as my trustee and sent in all documents certified mail including 8888 about a week ago. He should receive the green card since it was sent certified mail, right? I'm very excited for you! Please keep us posted!
They are saying you did not help them file.. You need to give them example sheets on 1096 and 1040v so they can do it for you. LOL This is great that they are being compliant.
Thanks Aron and Subara-c, here’s an update letter sent to the signer of the irs letter to trustee. Also explains the situation better. Received the green card back on July 15th, but nothing more since.