Wish I could post a screenshot of the delivery confirmation, but USPS\.com says\ it\ was\ delivered!
First\ I\ tried\ mailing\ 8\ things\ at\ once\ and\ they\ all\ came\ back\ within\ a\ few\ days\.
Then\ I\ tried\ mailing\ them\ at\ different\ post\ offices\ haha\.\.\.\.one came\ back\.\ 5\ have\ delivery\ confirmations\ on\ usps.com and 3 say they're still in transit after a week.
When I handle the bird my certified returns to the postmaster she didn't understand it she took a bunch of stickers and put on all my information then put payment needed I peeled off every sticker and then put it in the blue mailbox and I got my return receipt back I did not pay a penny when I put it in the blue mailbox it worked
I have a question pending approval so it won't let me post a success story for mailing Priority Express using my birth certificate number BUT IT WORKED! I have photos of the entire process and will share in my own post as soon as I can!