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Property Tax Vanishes with the Help of Legalibus!


Property Tax vanishes with the help of Legalibus

Danna sent us this testimony:

The journey was long, tedious, and unknown but with the help of Legalibus we conquered it all the way to victory!  In the state where I reside property tax is annual so this is indeed a victory! A forever win! Through studying, internalizing the information given, private consultations to strategize my unique case J guided me through the entire process to victory!!! I would be remiss if I did not say that this journey was navigated by God and because my desires were petitioned to God and because the instruction of Legalibus were under the subjection of God we were in alignment with one another, and with God, so I believe remedy was achieved!

See proof below:

wiley Edwards

Praise God for your Testimony!

Congratulations !!! To God Most High be The Glory, Honor and the pRaise !!! Hallelu YAH !!! We prayed about your success, Legalibus !!! Great Report !!! Great teaching & instructions, J ... Praying for continued success ...


what process did you use?

Can you tell me the process to exempt property from taxes. I have published the deed have family burial on the land and is part of claimed land before division into smaller parcels. 
Yet they ignore all of it. And continue to demand payment and want auction the property 
How can you help me to avoid auction on June 5 

From: Kimberly <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 4:56:48 AM
To: Elisabeth <>
Subject: Re: Property Tax Vanishes with the Help of Legalibus!

what process did you use?

Sent by Legalibus